Lifestyle Motherhood

15 Affirmations for a Tired Mom

As moms, it’s inevitable that we feel tired. Not just physically tired, but mentally tired as well. We carry the mental and physical load of our household on our shoulders and some days those loads feel heavier than others.

Being a mom is the most important job we will ever have but just like with any other job, we have days we are tired and don’t want to go to work.

Not going to work isn’t an option in our case, we are the job. While breaks and self-care are essential for our sanity and overall well being, sometimes that option isn’t available to us right away.

Sometimes we need a little bit of encouragement to help push through the day. Our minds are powerful and instead of harping on the negative thoughts that so often creep into our minds, we can create a positive and more productive mindset.

Affirmations are well known and used daily for many people. They can help with different struggles we face on a regular basis. The way that we talk to ourselves makes the biggest impact on our mood and behavior.

We are not the lies that we tell ourselves and we do not have to let our negative thoughts define us as moms.

Here are 15 affirmations that I personally love and use on the days that I am tired and need encouragement.

  1. I release the guilt weighing on my shoulders
  2. I am a mother first. The mess in my house can wait
  3. Today I choose to stay calm in the midst of chaos
  4. I am becoming a better version of myself because of the challenges I face through motherhood
  5. I am confident in my abilities as a mom
  6. I release the idea that my house needs to be perfect
  7. I will let go of how I think my day should go and accept the outcome
  8. I choose peace today
  9. I am my child(ren’s) safe space
  10. I am what my child(ren) need
  11. I am doing the best I can and that is good enough
  12. I will not compare myself to other moms
  13. I accept where I am at in life and create peace of mind and heart
  14. I can’t do everything today but I can do one small thing at a time
  15. I will not let the small things steal my joy of the day away

What I have found to be the most helpful, is to say affirmations when I wake up. I will usually lay on my back, take a few deep breaths and say 1-3 affirmations. This is also the time I like to set my intention for my day.

That usually goes something like this; “I am the calm presence in my house and I choose peace today. Today I will be patient and present. Today is going to be a good day.”

Affirmations are meant to be repeated more than once. I repeat mine as I am getting dressed, making my bed, making breakfast, or whenever I start to feel negative thoughts creep in.

So, say your affirmations when you feel yourself getting triggered or when you are losing your motivation. When you speak the words out loud, say them with confidence and say them like you believe them whole heartedly.

We do not have to become prisoners of our minds, we are in control of our thoughts and have the power to use them for good and create a better environment for ourselves and for our family.

I hope this helps and encourages you to push through mama. You got this!

What are some affirmations that you use?

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